Tuesday, August 01, 2006


Runic tattoos convert two men into mystic warriors for the military.

Published on the Website in the Halloween folder:


Dave Fragments said...

Runes – started August 1, 2006
Someone asked – 1) What would happen if your tattoo became real? 2) What would happen if you turned into your tattoo? 3) What would happen if a tattoo changed your body as well as decorating it?
Well the result is a story about two men who discover an ancient text describing how to create mystic warriors (D&D stuff) and go all the way. I’m toying with human sacrifice in this. I’m usually not that dark but I have this idea of a Bronze Age stone altar with rings to hold the warrior’s human body spread-eagle and a huge sacrificial knife. Methinks that the warrior is only indestructible as long as his heart is removed and stored in the altar.

Dave Fragments said...

I finished the first draft. This will be my halloween story and will have the character MEAT who is the adopted some of satan and demon par excellence.

Gore, violence, knives and hellspawn.

Dave Fragments said...

I did a second edit.
I started out at 4850 words and ended at 4040. I may look at it again and edit more.

there's an entire e-mail exchange (300+ words) at the beginning of the story that is nothing but back story and I might remove all of it.

Dave Fragments said...

Changed the story again. But I'm still finding passages like:
"Jason hugged Gary and kissed his green, scaly cheek. Gary returned the kiss. Jason excited him."

arghh, arghh, argh...

Dave Fragments said...

The story is finished. I will post it for Halloween.

writtenwyrdd said...

Dave, kissing green scaly cheeks...that excites me. Seriously, this sounds interesting.

Have you read "Sunshine" by Robin McKinley? She has tatoos that are "live" in the sense that they are wards that live in your skin. It is an interesting premise, but is presumably different from yours.

I was thinking of tatoos as a nanotech device, and the dark fantasy/dark fairytale I'm working on has tatoos that are magical workings, too.

What is it, a 'mark the body, mark the soul' sort of concept?

Dave Fragments said...

Writtenwyrd: I kinda punted on the plot. The tattoos set up the story but they don't live like you describe. I think the idea of living tatoos is great. I've overused nanomachines. One of the novels I have in between first and second draft is all nanomachines and robots.

Halloween is a special subset of stories that I wrote to be as close to demonology as I care to get. Talk about opresssed religious silliness. Writing a mark on the body and soul would be tough for me. A real first. I have yet to cross that line...

I'm going to get Sunshine and read it. Thanks

Dave Fragments said...

Tattoos that live, move, talk and sqirm. That is a sexy idea.

This is what happend the day after the night before...

Dave Fragments said...

Robin McKinley's "Sunshine" is a vampire novel. ARGH. I'll read it but I'm not a vampire fan.

This will be the halloween story. Most likely posting date will be October 25th. The entire Halloween index will change format.

Dave Fragments said...

Posted - Sunday, 22 October, 2006